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時(shí)間:2022-08-20 09:41:27   來源:人體穴位網(wǎng)  作者:tipstogelterpercaya.com

奇聞提要:   一位攝影家通過水果和蔬菜重新創(chuàng)作16世紀(jì)的古典畫作,成就了一頓美畫大餐。 紐約攝影家Klaus Enrique Gerdes受意大利畫家Giuseppe Arcimboldo啟發(fā)創(chuàng)作了這些作品,后者曾于1527-1593年間利用水果、蔬菜、肉類和鮮花拼湊出現(xiàn)實(shí)畫像,隨后他把這些獨(dú)特的創(chuàng)作畫在了畫布上。

A photographer has made a real meal out of a selection of classic 16th century paintings by recreating them using fruit and vegetables.


New York based photographer Klaus Enrique Gerdes was inspired by Italian painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo who created real-life portraits using fruit, vegetables, meat and flowers. He then painted his creations on to canvas creating a selection of unique artworks between 1527 and 1593. |本文轉(zhuǎn)載于:

紐約攝影家Klaus Enrique Gerdes受意大利畫家Giuseppe Arcimboldo啟發(fā)創(chuàng)作了這些作品,后者曾于1527-1593年間利用水果、蔬菜、肉類和鮮花拼湊出現(xiàn)實(shí)畫像,隨后他把這些獨(dú)特的創(chuàng)作畫在了畫布上。

Klaus Enrique Gerdes now does the same, except that photography allows him to capture his subject instantly - before any of the ingredients begin to wilt.

Klaus Enrique Gerdes現(xiàn)在做了同樣的事情,只不過現(xiàn)在照片使他有機(jī)會(huì)在原料枯萎前抓住這一主題。

Getting his five a day: A portrait of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II as the Roman God of the seasons Vertumnus by photographer Klaus Enrique Gerdes, left, and the original painted in 1590 by Italian Giuseppe Arcimboldo, right.

左邊為Klaus Enrique Gerdes創(chuàng)作的圣羅馬帝國魯?shù)婪蚨喇嬒瘢疫呅l(wèi)意大利畫家Giuseppe Arcimboldo1590年的原作。



Barking up the wrong tree: Klaus Enrique Gerdes's recreation of Winter, left, originally painted Giuseppe Arcimboldo in 1573, right.

左邊為Klaus Enrique Gerdes重新創(chuàng)作的作品《冬天》,右邊為Giuseppe Arcimboldo1573年所畫的原作。









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